Baglio di Pianetto

Baglio di Pianetto

  • Baglio di Pianetto nasce dalla volontà del conte Paolo Marzotto, di creare un vino che esalti l’unicità del terroir siciliano, ispirandosi alle tradizioni vitivinicole dei grandi Châteaux francesi. Quest’iniziativa, che dal 1997 ha spinto Paolo Marzotto ad accettare la sfida del legame alla terra e ai suoi frutti, si fonda su scelte innovative e coraggiose, nel completo rispetto dell’identità del territorio, in continuità con le proprie origini e tradizioni, e si avvale della professionalità e dedizione degli uomini che collaborano con Baglio di Pianetto. Oggi la seconda e terza generazione affiancano il fondatore in quest’impresa con la stessa devozione e lo stesso entusiasmo. Determinazione, passione e tradizione sono i valori portanti che hanno condotto Baglio di Pianetto a essere espressione dello storico impegno imprenditoriale della famiglia Marzotto.

8 Products/Or

  1. Ramione - Nero d'avola and Merlot Baglio di Pianetto

    Baglio di Pianetto

    Chief among the red wines produced in Pianetto, this structured wine, soft and balanced pays homage to the previous owner of the estate, the Baron Antonio Palizzolo of Ramione whose family began the cultivation of the vine in this location. The Ramione harmoniously expresses the different characteristics of the territories of the two estates, concentrating them in one essence. Grape Nero D’Avola Merlot Learn More
    € 19,37
    € 14,53 -25%
  2. Cembali - Nero d'avola Baglio di Pianetto

    Baglio di Pianetto

    Wine by the highly evocative name, the Cembali expresses elegance and harmony, like the sound of the homonymous ancient musical instrument. And it is the murmur of the wind among the branches of the vineyards of Baroni, who inspired during a walk through the vineyards Florence Countess and Count Paolo Marzotto for this denomination. Top wine of the grape local varieties of Baglio di Pianetto, the grapes of the Cembali all come from bush plants inherited from the previous owner. A wine of great personality that fully expresses the characteristics of Nero d'Avola grown in the area of Noto. Grape Nero d’Avola Learn More
    € 32,34
    € 25,87 -20%
  3. Salici - Merlot Baglio di Pianetto

    Baglio di Pianetto

    Salici (Willows in italian) its so named for the presence of weeping willows on the part of the Pianetto estates in which those Merlot vines grow. This full-bodied red is impacted by the strong presence of water in the soil, which is also an important element of willows presence. Salici is a wine with a strong Sicilian identity and at the same time an innovative character of complexity, conveying the territorial diversity of the variety from which it's made. Grape Merlot Learn More
    € 20,39
    € 17,33 -15%
  4. Shymer - Syrah e Merlot Baglio di Pianetto

    Baglio di Pianetto

    Shymer is an acronym of the names of two grapes that make this deep red: Shyraz + Merlot. French for "chimera", a mythological creature symbol of dreams and impossible desires. Far from preconceptions, the Marzotto family has set as its goal the realization of a dream, now more than ever materialized. Wine with good body and good harmony, Shymer expresses clearly the different characteristics of the grape varieties that compose it. Grape Syrah Merlot Learn More
    € 19,13
    € 11,48 -40%
  5. Carduni - Petit Verdot Baglio di Pianetto

    Baglio di Pianetto

    Carduni is the term used to indicate the Sicilian thistles. The abundant presence of these plants drew the attention of Count Paolo Marzotto during one of his first visits to the estate Pianetto. The Count realized that these plots would have been ideal for the cultivation of grapes Petit Verdot, given the high presence of iron in the soil where thistles usually grow. Multifaceted, intriguing, rich and complex wine. It combines the characteristics of the soil, climate and grape variety by providing an intense and elegant experience. Grape Petit Verdot Learn More
    € 30,44
    € 25,87 -15%
  6. Ginolfo - Viognier Baglio di Pianetto

    Baglio di Pianetto

    As the Ficiligno, this persuasive white takes its name from a particular type of clastic sedimentary rock that forms the structure of the north-western Sicily and gives this wine a pleasant mineral footprint. White dry and full-bodied on the palate has a good softness with a long aromatic varietal. An unprecedented success for a vine that Count Paolo Marzotto planted first in Sicily. Grape Viognier Learn More
    € 21,66
    € 17,33 -20%
  7. Ficiligno Baglio di Pianetto

    Baglio di Pianetto

    First white wine produced at Baglio di Pianetto, the Ficiligno fully expresses the quintessence of the territory in which it grows. intense and persistent, this wine takes its name from a local stone streaked with siliceous nature, a characteristic element in the landscape. Fascinated by the particular shape of the territory conferred by these stones, Count Paolo Marzotto realized the great potential of this mineral soil, capable of giving freshness to white wine. Grape Insolia Viogner Learn More
    € 15,79
    € 11,05 -30%
  8. Ra'is - Moscato di Noto Baglio di Pianetto

    Baglio di Pianetto

    Fresh, elegant but at the same time balanced and with character, the name of this moscato is a tribute to the Sicilian traditional activities. Indeed, Ra'is was the Arabic term given to the team leader, often Tunisian, in the tonnare (tuna-fishing nets). Ra'ís's grapes come entirely from Baroni estate, little far from which actually stood one of the last active tonnare of the island. Grape Moscato Learn More
    € 20,39
    € 17,33 -15%

8 Products/Or

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