The name ‘recioto’ comes from a term used in local dialect to describe the uppermost part of the cluster of Garganega grapes, where the most sugar can be found as it enjoys the most exposure to the sun. In fact, to obtain this special nectar, the best clusters are selected and laid on trays in dry, well-aired rooms. The grapes are left there to dry over the whole winter and are constantly checked and cleaned up to the moment of pressing. In the meantime, a noble rot forms on the grapes, which gives the wine a very distinctive flavour and aroma. After the grapes are lightly pressed, the must is fermented slowly, partly in steel tanks and partly in wooden barrels. The wine that emerges at the end of this process is bright yellow with hints of gold; it has a noble and intense, fruity aroma, and a harmonious bouquet with a delicious note of almonds. Recioto di Soave fully expresses the marriage between an ancient production technique passed down over the centuries and vital technological progress. This is why producing Recioto di Soave is something more than a commitment, an honour and a source of prestige for winemakers.
GRAPE VARIETY: 97% Garganega, 3% Trebbiano di Soave
AREA PRODUCED: hillside vineyards in the Alpone valley and north-eastern part of Soave
FOOD PAIRINGS: pairs excellently with traditional Veronese baked goods such as shortpastry, open jam tarts and raisin cakes. This wine is also particularly intriguing when enjoyed alone.
SERVING TEMPERATURE: 12-14°C in a small glass with a wide body and narrow opening that allows the aromas to develop and become concentrated in the nose.
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