Variety Mix: 100% Montepulciano d'Abruzzo
Soil: Mixed soil verging on clay, about 250 metres above sea level
Training: Row
Sensory Evaluation: Meditation wine, it is structured and complex in its fragrance and taste
Winemaking System: Low temperature fermentation
Winemaking Process: Manually picked grapes are crushed within two hours by a crusher-stemmer. Crushed grapes are put into vitrified concrete fermenters and cooled down. Because of its thick walls, this kind of tank prevents must from sudden changes in temperature. As soon as tumultuous fermentation finishes, the must is moved into stainless steel tanks for the secondary fermentation, at the end of which deposit is removed from must. After a six-month long rest, the wine is raked again into big oak casks in which it ages and naturally micro-oxygenates. Afterwards the wine is put into bottles to mature for at least six months. In the end it is raked into bottles where it matures for at least six months
Gastronomy Match: Great with red meat. It is advisable to uncork one hour before serving to let necessary oxygenation work
Gambero Rosso’s guide “Vini d’Italia”: 2/3 glasses and finalist for 3/3 glasses in 2007, 2/3 glasses in 2011
Veronelli’s guide: 2/3 stars in 2009, 2010 and 2011
Mentioned in “great Wines” section of Slow Food’s guide “Slow Wine”.
AIS’ guide “Duemilavini 2011” (Two-thousand-wines 2011): 4/5 clusters
TCI’s guide “Vini buoni d’Italia” (Italian Good Wines): 4/4 stars with crown in 2010 and 3/4 stars in 2011
Winner at Concorso Nazionale Vini Pramaggiore (National Wine Contest of Pramaggiore) in 2008 and 2011.
Special Prize Pramaggiore 2011 (reserved to the wine having gained to highest score in the region).
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