Umani Ronchi

Umani Ronchi

3 Products/Or

  1. Vellodoro Pecorino - Umani Ronchi

    Umani Ronchi

    Sold by Winezon The name of Pecorino grape variety, also known as “grape of the sheeps”, derives from the strong connection between sheep farming and agriculture, and the presence of this grape variety in the areas of shepherds’ transhumance. In the past this grape variety, thanks to its high aromas concentration, its good alcohol content, and even more thanks to its wonderful acidity which is the most distinctive characteristic of Pecorino, was used to improve the quality of wines produced with other varieties. Learn More
    € 11,99
  2. Casal di Serra DOC - Umani Ronchi

    Umani Ronchi

    Sold by Winezon Casale di Serra is a wine that expresses all the value and uniqueness of a great native wine: Verdicchio. Born in the early 80s by selecting the best grapes produced in the vineyard of Montecarotto and later enriched with grapes from another three plots located in the best areas for cultivating Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi. Contact with its yeasts, during fermentation and aging stage, it gives it wealth and personality, without altering the balance and elegance. Learn More
    € 11,75
    € 11,99 --2%
  3. Pelago Marche Rosso IGT - Umani Ronchi

    Umani Ronchi

    Sold by Winezon Pelago joined the list of the most sought-after Italian wines in the world in 1997, with its first year of production, when it won the Best Red Wine trophy at the International Wine Challenge in London. Pelago is the result of the insight of our technical group, who had the idea of mating Montepulciano with Cabernet Sauvignon. It is a wine which retains the style and personality of the indigenous grapes while broadening its aromatic profile and complexity by adding qualities of the Bordeaux style of wine. To maintain a high standard of quality, we chose to produce it only in those years which provided grapes suitable for a fine wine. Learn More
    € 30,23
    € 25,19 -17%

3 Products/Or

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